Undoubtedly, everything we all globally live these days due to the outbreak of coronavirus pandemic is really unprecedented & has inevitably affected our balance & daily routine. However, what eaci of us can do to make things a little bit better?
Acknowledging & feeling grateful for what we have already gained through the stay-at-home & social distancing challenge due to the pandemic outbreak, can really help to ease the pain & discompfort! And as love is in the spotlight of all the things we can individually & as a community do to fight virus spread -we stay come to protect not only ourselfes but also our fellow-citizens-, the most precious thing we now have is the chance to create more “me time”, time to destress our body & mind that seemed to be a luxury in the pre-quarantine period...time to express self-love! Ok, I totally agree that relaxation & self-pampering are sometimes easier said than done, especially on times of worry & anxiety like this; we work from home, all the family members especially children are all day long inside the house transforming living room into a playgound, we rarely do some excercice etc. But keep in mind that it’s all the little things that matter most in life & believe me self-pampering does wonders! So, I grab the chamce today to write this blog post & encourage you to create some time just for yourself... Let yourself enjoy a rejuvenating experience with a scentful shower, listening to your favorite chill-out music while providing yourself with a DIY homemade spa of brown sugar body scrub that leacves your skin pretty soft! Don't worry the recipe isn;t time consuming! It's very very simple & easy with just 2 ingredients that almost everyone can find in house-or they can easily be supplied! And the best of all? It gives you the oppurtimity to make it as custom as you may want! What you will need to make the brown sugar scrub? INGREDIENTS: - 1-1,5 teaspoon brown sugar (or 1-2 brown sugar cubes) - Almond Oil (scented or not) Blend the 2 ingredients till the mixture get a texture like wet sand. Apply it on your body & stick with it for as long as you want (time does not chase us now...). Enjoy the cleansing & detoxifying effect of brown sugar combined with the soothing properties of almond oil that makes your skin baby soft & glowing! ❣ TIP ❣: In case you want to deep further in the spa experience use in your recipe a scented moisturizing body oil! Bloomey has a wide range of scentful body oils, the “FEEL FRESH” collection, that can satisfy all scent tastes. Either a floral, fruity, sweet or juicy scent note lover you will surely find the one that suits your taste, fills you with freshness & lifts your mood up! You will be really surprised with the velvet texture of your skin when the blend penetrates your wet skin. This scrub recipe can be also used for lips! So, may this sound easier now than before? What are ypu waiting for? After kids going to bed & before enjoying your favorite movie on Netflix or glass of wine...give yourself the opportunity to express some self-love & recharge your batteries! Now you need it the most! Enjoy it & share the experience in the comments below!
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Home is where we spend time cocooning & relaxing. We have to keep the air in it fresh & pleasant. Thanks to the power of nature & essential oils we can scent our room with fragnance notes depending on our mood!
Here's some DIY homemade air-freshener ideas. Read the recipes below and get inspired on how you can keep body-mind balance by overwhelming your home with refreshing scents!
Basic ingredients you will need:
- Spray bottle - 1 cup distilled water - 8-10 drops essential oil of your choice
1. Room Deodorizing Spray
2. Mood Booster Air Freshener Spray
3. Stress Reliever Air Freshener Spray
4. Sleepy-Hour Relaxation Air Freshener Spray
Pour the cup of distilled water into the spray bottle & add the essential oil drops. Then, shake very well, cap the bottle and allow to sit for a few hours before using it.
Enjoy the freshness!!!
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